Artificial intelligence BEU pyq solution 2021

BEU previous year question solution of artificial intelligence is being provided. go through the pyq solution before exam. beu previous year question. BEU pyq solution all branch all semester

1 (a) Discuss the role of reasoning in Al. How is predicate logic used in Al to represent knowledge?

(b) Describe augmented grammar used in natural language processing.

all in beu pyq solution pdf is below

2. Explain with examples ‘decision trees’ and also explain Bayesian networks with example.

(b) What do you understand by the term ‘uncertainty in AI? How is uncertainty managed in artificial intelligence? Briefly discuss the structures used to manage knowledge uncertainty.

3. What do you mean by learning? Explain briefly learning methods. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rule- based system.

(b) Is regression a supervised learning? Justify your answer. Compare regression with classification with example.

4. (a) Draw the semantic network of sentence John gave lecture to his students’.

(b) What is first-order predicate logic (FOPL)? Represent the following facts in FOPL:

“Anyone passing his Al paper and getting an opportunity to work on live project is Happy. But anyone who studies sincerely or is Lucky can pass all his exams. Ramu did not study but he is Lucky. Anyone who is Lucky gets a live project to work.

5(a) Explain the importance of an expert system. What are the various knowledge representative techniques used in expert system?

(b) What is fuzzy logic? Explain union and intersection operations on fuzzy set. Food is cheap. Represent this statement into fuzzy logic.

6(a) Describe the following with example:

(a) Logistic regression

(b) Backpropagation algorithm

6. (a)Express the following statements in propositional logic:

(i) Cancer will not be cured unless its cause is determined and a new drug for cancer is found.

(ii) If the humidity is high, it will rain either today or tomorrow. (iii) It requires courage and skills to

climb a mountain.

(b) Represent the following sentence as a conceptual graph: “Cow has four legs and eats grass.”

7 What is the Turing test? If the machine passes the Turing test, does it mean. that the system is intelligent? What are the associated problems with Turing test? What are required improvement/ advances to overcome these problems?

(b) What do you mean by learning? Explain briefly learning methods. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rule- based system.

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